
A gallimaufry is an archaic word for a jumble or medley of things; that's perhaps the best way to describe this collection of photographs. They are awkward creatures - cussed creations that refuse to be pigeonholed or lumped together in some neat grouping.

Most of my photographs are taken from nature, but nature doesn't conform to a formal grid. Respecting the natural form often excludes otherwise prime examples from the established groups… sometimes it's simply that they don't fit into the right shape.

Some of these nascent images may eventually become part of a sequence, I don't know yet; but often they are just random captured visual trophies.

As an artist it's liberating to be free of the constraining discipline of conforming to a genre; some of these pictures are the fruit of my curiosity aroused by one-off moments.

Sometimes they are visual experiments…and the nature of experimentation means that there is an even chance of failure; that's OK with me.

They are all photographs that I have taken because there was something special about the subject, it might be the light, the colour, the texture, the composition or something intangible, that caught my eye.

In short, this is a display of photographs united only by their singularity, by their resolute individuality.

Just as they stubbornly refuse to conform, so I stubbornly refuse to discard them; I see something memorable in each one.

So please, enjoy my marriage of misfits, my gallimaufry.